Rask Mølle

Rask Mølle looks to be a nice little town in mid east Jutland. Some 1000 people live there. The sea is not far away towards the east. As you turn into the village you get to a t-junction and regardless of the turn you take you are very quickly leaving the village if you keep heading straight. We turned right and then right again and was soon outside the Schultz and Larsen factory which is on the outskirts of the village. We did not see the rest of the village because when we left we backtracked.

The Schultz and Larsen factory is a bit odd at first sight. Car park is out the front but the building looks to be empty and door is locked. I went down the hill and around the back until I finally found a human being. Once inside we met a very friendly albeit rushing Morten who is running the place. He changed the firing pin which is why we were there and then gave us a tour of the place. Very likely because we kept asking questions:)

Very interesting to see the stocks on the shelves, they range from a lot of money to an awful lot of money, one man was working on an action as we walked past, cases were being cleaned in a huge tumbler, the machinery that is making the rifling in the barrels, machinery that is well over 100 years old.

We asked if we could take photographs, “sure” was the answer and would you believe I got about two, too busy listening to what was being said:)



3 Replies to “Rask Mølle”

  1. You could link to the youtube video on the new Schultz and Larsen, and there is the odd review of new S & L rifles online too.

    Shame S & L’s website is rubbish.

    Keep up the good work!


  2. Hi, S&L DL Classics are imported into Australia and I’m now the owner of one in 6.5x55mm. Great rifle that shoots 15mm groups at 100m with Lapua Scenars in a barrel too hot to touch! Big problem now is that anyone who wants to order accessories e.g. spare magazines, barrels etc is completely ignored by S&L Denmark. This includes the importers!! Do you have any insight into this. This sort of thing could completely ruin S&L’s reputation here which would be unfortunate.

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